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22 Graduate Teacher Vacancy – NFR,Assam

Last Date:21 June,2019
Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR)

Eligible and interested candidates must attend in Walk-In-Interview for 22 positions of PGT, TGT and PRT on contractual basis in Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) to be conducted on 21-06-2019 (10 Am).Applicants meet the required eligibility criteria to attend in walkin Interviews. Applicants must produce filled application in prescribed format and all related documents at the given venue.

Employment Notification 22 Graduate Teacher Vacancy – NFR,Assam

Name of the post – Graduate Teacher
No of post – 22
Pay Scale – Rs 27500,Rs 26250,Rs 21250

Education Qualification:
Post Graduate in relevant subject & B.Ed/Graduation / Senior secondary with min 50% marks and B.Ed/Diplorna in Elementary Education and TET.

Apply to 22 Graduate Teacher Vacancy – NFR,Assam

General Instruction:

  • The part time teacher would perfoltn alljobs related to academics including evaluation work for which no extra payment will be made.
  • He or She should be bctween the age of 18 to 65 years.
  • Part time teacher would not be entitled to any other facility like leave , medical facilities, Passes/P’fOs ‘Iransportation etc.
  • Paft time teachet’will have no clairn or right for appointrnent on regular basis ahd will not form parl of the cadre of R.ailway teachers.
  • The corttract shall be liable to be terrninatcd by giving two week s notice by either side without assigning any reason.
  • The contract shall bc tenrtinated irnrnediately if the teaclier is rnentally/physically incapacitated.
  • The parl time Contract’leacher who enter in to contract with the Railways will not have any clairn of right fbr his /her continuity in service or autornatic extension of the term of eontract for regularization /absorption in the post.
  • ‘he part tirre teachcr shall undergo a tnedical exarnination before tlre contract is entered into for his/her fitness to perforur the work assigued to hirn/her.
  • At the time of entering in to coutraot the teacher shall produoe ceftificated for proof of his/her good Character and antecedents from two Gazetted Officers of the Central/State govt.
  • At the time of interview & entering in to contract the part tirne Teacher shall produce original cerlificate for proof of his/licr date of Birth and educational and teclrnical qualification . The candidate belongs to SC/ST/OBC cotnmunity should bring along with hirn/her original community certificate issued by cornpetent authority in prescribe form of Gov1. of India.
  • The part tiure teacher shall be governed in respect of matters not referred to in thcse terms and Condition by any order/amendtnents to the terms’of contract issued by the Railway Adrnir-ristration fi’om tirne to tirne.
  • The remuneration is consolidated and Railway will not give any additional perks/faciiities.
  • In case of absence of duties proportionate recovery will be made from the remuncration.
  • Weekly rest will be admissible as per provisions of the rules. tlre parl time teacher will have to abide by the rules of the Organization/lrrstitution.
  • The Corrtractual teachers appoiuted for a period of rrot less than a rnorrth will paid on prorate basis Only, the pro-rata payment to the teachers may be regulated as undcr.Consolidated pay x Number of days work 30 days.
  • Teachers appointed or-t contractual basis will not be entitled for vacation pay and during Autumn /winter Rreak payment shall be calculatcd on the pro rata basis.Note ( 1) If number of candidates are more ,then the interview may extend to next day as per necessity.
  • The Engagement if clone will purely be on contract basis & the contract would bc automaticsally tenninated on the date specified flo the purpose if not tenninated earlier and the contract will not be extended under any circumstances
  • The Engagement if clone will purely be on contract basis & the contract would bc automaticsally tenninated on the date specified flo the purpose if not tenninated earlier and the contract will not be extended under any circumstances
  • No TA/DA is admissible for the interview.
  • If any caldidale is ernployed lie will lrave to subniit NOC from his/her entployer,if lie/she is already ernployed.
  • In the event of any wrong information academic certificate /testirnonial /nis-statement /discrepancy in the particulars being detected at any stage thc cnaditure/contract may be canoelled /terminated witlrout any notice and neccssary action as per extant taw will be taken . FuftherNo correspondence in this regard will be entertained.The willing candidates may directly report for the ‘WALK-IN -INTERVIEW’ to the venue of interview as per datc ald time specified above with copies of allcertificate /testimonials/mark sheets in originaland true copy (attested by a Gazetted Officer ) and also (two) recent pass port size Photographs along with a filled in application form.

About Us:

Vacancy Notice 22 Graduate Teacher Vacancy – NFR,Assam

  • Northeast Frontier Railway has Five Divisions namely, Tinsukia, Lumding, Rangiya, Alipurduar & Katihar & at field level these Divisions are directly responsible for Train operations and reports to General Manager. Each of these Divisions is headed by Divisional Railway Manager, a Senior Administrative Grade officer of the rank of Joint Secretary to Government of India.
  • The departmental setup at headquarters level and divisional setup in the field assists the General Manager in running the railways. Various departments namely engineering, mechanical, electrical, signal & telecom, operations, commercial, safety, accounts, security, personal and medical are headed by a Senior Administrative Grade / Higher Administrative Grade officer, provide technical and operational support to the divisions in train operations.Another division is being proposed to be set up in Silchar by bifurcating Lumding division.
  • In 1881, railway first came to Assam when Assam Railway and Trading Company set up metre gauge track. The 65-km-long metre gauge line from Dibrugarh to Margherita was constructed mainly for transportation of tea and coal. This company later started the first passenger train in Assam by the name of Dibru Sadiya Railway. The North Eastern Railway was formed on 14 April 1952 by amalgamating two railway systems: the Assam Railway and Oudh and Tirhut Railway. Later, it was bifurcated into two railway zones on 15 January 1958, the North Eastern Railway (India) and the Northeast Frontier Railway.[1] to better serve the needs of the northeastern states. Railway service was established in Tripura in 1964,[2] but it was limited to Dharmanagar and Kailasahar. The northeastern state capital came on India’s rail map with the advent of the railways in the subcontinent in 1853 and the foundation stone of the 119 km Kumarghat–Agartala railway project was laid in 1996 by the former Prime Minister H. D. Deve Gowda. Following which railways were built in Agartala the capital city of Tripura after slightly more than a decade[3] as passengers became more predominant in the region and railways were a mark of success in the state. Agartala expects better and faster trains in the upcoming decade.

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the employment notification

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