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Rural Devlopment Require 156 Lower Division Clerk

Rural DEVLOPMENT gOVT.OF tRIPURAGovernment of Tripura
Applications in prescribed form are invited from eligible bonafide Indian Nationals for recruitment to the following Group-C posts under the Rural Development Department, Government of Tripura on fixed pay basis against regular scale of pay.
Job detail :
1.Name of the Posts : Lower Division Clerk
Number of posts : 120

2.Name of the Posts : Work Assistant
Number of posts : 36

Employment Notification Rural Devlopment Require 156 Lower Division Clerk

Pay Scale : 75% of the initial pay in PB-2 of Rs.5700- 24000/- with Grade Pay Rs.2200/- (on fixed pay)

General Instructions :
1.Applications of candidates not having the required qualification, experience etc. shall be summarily rejected.
2.No TA/ DA etc. shall be admissible to the candidates for attending interview etc.
3.Interview of the candidates shall be conducted by the District Level Selection Committees constituted for all the districts. District Level merit lists shall be consolidated by the State Level Common Interview Board for final Selection.
4.Details of the advertisement may also be seen at the website &
5.Detailed particulars of the posts is given in Annexure – A. The number of posts may increase or decrease depending on the circumstances.
6.An applicant may apply for more than one post if he/ she meets the eligibility criteria for all the posts that he/ she intends to apply for.
7.The applicant shall not be more than 40 years of age as on 15.04.2016. However, the upper age limit is relaxable up-to 5 years for SC / ST candidates.
8.An intending applicant serving in any Office/ establishment/organization shall submit the application through his/her employer or along with ‘No-objection Certificate’ from his/her employer. Such application must be submitted within the last date invariably.

Apply to Rural Devlopment Require 156 Lower Division Clerk

How To Apply :
Interested candidates may apply in Prescribed application form along with self attested copies of relevant documents & experience certificate send
To The Recruitment Cell under the respective O/0 the District Magistrate
& Collector, Secretary, Rural Development Department, Government of Tripura from 04.04.2016 to 16.04.2016.

APPLY FROM : 04.04.2016 to 16.04.2016.

Vacancy Notice Rural Devlopment Require 156 Lower Division Clerk

click above to download
the employment notification

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